Shamsul Alam

Message Of Chairman

                               Chairman’s Message

With great pleasure I would like to welcome all to Green Field School & College. We have marched forward to create opportunities, challenging minds, innovation and sustaining excitement for the young learners.

To keep abreast with the contemporary knowledge based society and educational technology our aim is to foster the skills of science and technology, thinking skills-life skills in a formal and interactive way. We also encourage more experimental learning ambiance engaging learner centered approach, multiple way of transferring knowledge.

To meet the challenges of 21st century ensuring standard education our team is working relentlessly with leading educational methods. We have a team of high spirited, motivated and competent educators. We believe in discovering the learners latent talent through the participation in different cultural programs, joining various clubs.

To modernize the educational system of Bangladesh, Green Field College is the wholehearted patronizer of Government’s initiative. Mean while, the school has provided required number of multimedia classrooms, Incorporating classroom projectors for interactive learning system and a smart management software system for smooth conduction of academic mobility.

Online education now has become an essential part of learning process in the contemporary age. We offer immense scope learning virtually too.

Since its establishment in 2007. We aim at facilitating the young learners with all round development of their cognitive values and accelerating mindful progress. We are dedicated on commitment. It will be always one motive and vison to develop positive thoughts in the formative years ahead.


Shamsul Alam

Green Field College Mirpur-10, Dhaka.

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