Dr. Rehana Parvin

Message Of Principal

Principal's Message

Acquisition of literacy skill is probably the most tremendous achievement of human being which has been acting simultaneously as a catalyst and great impulse for attaining freedom, speed and advancement as well as generating revolutionary ideas in human life. This personal and intellectual pursuit of human has brought about changes in his self & psyche, reshapes personality and refines sensibility. So it is an indenying fact that a proper education system always helps in an individual's adaptation amidst multi-forces and diversity of a culture and creates a sense of fraternity and universal love. In the several epiphanic moment of my 20 years span of a life, I realized this great truth that education is nothing but an act of embedding some moral mental, cultural and social ideals and values in learners mind-set. Being enriched by knowledge and experience that had been accumulated in my mind for a long time at last yielded to a noble dream. As a Vice-Principal and founder member of Green Field College in 2007 and previously a lecturer in Bangabandu College at Mirpur in 1996, founder member and vice-principal of B.A Green Heart College in 2004 and after a long relentless effort and perseverance, with arduous work and ardent fervor, my dream came true. I have become an inseparable part with the institution and as a result of nine years juxtaposition with time much recognition, achievement and success is running. Sparkling of brilliancy is refulgent in Primary Completion Examination, Junior School Certificate, S.S.C and H.S.C Exam. With a great deal of A+ and hundred percentage of passed students in both Bengali & English version brightens the result from 2009 upto present time as well as achieving Scholarship bears the testimony of our great achievement. It is our vow to upgrade the merit status of each students by any means. The college is standing apart for several prominent features; a very sophisticated infrastructure with charming ambiance around it is spectacular. Moreover, about 70 highly qualified, skilled, ardent and dedicated educators with congenial study zone is one of its prime characteristics. It is a pure seat for nurturing order and discipline, practicing knowledge & good study habit and enhancing personality & intellectuality. Our main objective is the gradual development in qualitative manner by co-mingling a well planned & pragmatic curriculum which is blended with modern strategy for the young learners. Here, every learner takes part in different co-curricular activities to uncover their latent abilities spontaneously. Besides, the College has been supervised under smooth digital system since 2013. Not only adopting up-to-date method of teaching but also to keep pace with modern world, our education system has adopted Multi-media Technology in the classrooms. Study of science and its practice has been progressed. There fore, in recognition of merit, our students have achieved awards in science and Environment Fair, Math & Physics Olympiad and different cultural competitions. Thus, the college by incorporating tradition is pacing towards the future of innovation and turns each learner into a capable global citizen. It is only the most competent educators who made it possible. I believe, we will be the landmark for all. From 2004 till 2019 as an educator & administrator, I have got a lot of love & admiration from my students and guardians. By the light of the constructive advice of guardians and suggestions from local enthusiasts, Green Field College has reached to the peak of success. Also, worth mentionable personalities are Prominent educator Dr. Golam Rasul Miah has kept assisting us with his valuable counseling and advice. Honorable Guardians, this institution is going to admit your children in English Version from play group to class IX in 2022. So, to create their bright future hopefully you will co-operate us. You are cordially welcome to take admission for your child and assist us to build up a civil society. May Allah Have Mercy On All.

During the dark days of pandemic, we had been constantly at your service for you children through online edication system.

During pandemic, we have been ensuring constart service to our learners through regular online class, equipped with other educational support virtually.

Dr. Rehana Parvin



Dr. Rehana Parvin

Green Field college

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